Before you send your pet to ‘doggie day care’ it’s vital that you know that they will be well looked after by experienced professionals who will care for your dog like one of their own.
If you aren’t sure what questions to ask when you are investigating a good day care centre for your canine companion, here are nine questions we think will give you a good insight into the care that will be provided:
Do they allow ‘free for all’ play?
Unsupervised, unrestricted play can cause behaviour problems in some dogs. A good day care centre will carefully match up personalities so that play is appropriate and enjoyable for all.
Are the staff well trained in modern techniques?
All staff should be knowledgeable about force-free training and handling techniques; appropriately trained staff will only ever use kind, respectful techniques when caring for your dog.
Is the care centre fully insured and council-endorsed?
The premises must be sufficiently insured for providing day care, and for the number of dogs they will care for, and the venue should also be assessed and hold an appropriate license, issued by the local council, for the type of care on offer.
Does the centre have a clear emergency protocol in place?
The centre should have a well-understood emergency procedure and have a relationship with a local vet to provide medical attention if needed. Should your dog be taken ill, you will need to know that they will be treated as quickly as possible. Have the staff had adequate training in how to recognise an emergency situation, and are they able to deal with canine first aid appropriately?
Are staff trained to recognise the signs of stress in dogs?
A good understanding of canine body language is essential to be able to recognise if a dog is struggling to cope in the environment.
Has the centre met your dog before they stay in day care?
It’s important that the day care provider is as sure as is reasonably possible that your dog will be happy in the environment. A good centre will carefully assess your dog prior to their first visit and monitor your dog’s behaviour throughout their stay, and take steps to reduce any unreasonable levels of stress.
Are you allowed to look round for yourself before booking your dog in?
You should be able to reassure yourself that the dogs are being well looked after by experienced professionals, and are given appropriate exercise and mental stimulation for their age and breed.
Is the centre clean and tidy?
Care should be taken to minimise the risk of spreading any kind of infection between the dogs, so it’s vital that the centre, especially where the dogs are kept, is clean and well maintained.
Are you asked to provide proof of core vaccinations?
There are a number of infectious diseases that your vet will recommend your dog is protected against so that the risk of your dog becoming ill from one of these infections is minimised. A good day care centre will ensure that this risk is mitigated by only accepting protected dogs, either by being vaccinated, or titre tested to ensure immunity.
Email us today or call us on 01793 791726 to ask how Abbey Dog Day Care would respond to these questions.